The Power of Effective Communication
Success Tips
To see a sample of the success tips, click here.
Program Summary
Success Tips are a powerful marketing tool! They are 250-400 word "mini" articles that are ideal to send as weekly success tips, use as blog posts, or short articles in your newsletter.
Here's an example of a Success Tip that comes in your package:
Let Them Know You Care
When you are talking to someone do you make them feel that you really care about them? Author and Teacher, Richard Moss says “The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention.”
When talking with others, here are a few thing you can do to let people know you care:
- Ask open ended questions that start with words like, "What' and "How."
- Repeat back what they have said so they feel that they have been heard and understood.
- Don’t interrupt.
- Show that you are listening by nodding your head, smiling and making affirming statements like "I see" or "yes."
- Make solid eye contact and don’t let your eyes wander.
- And keep the conversation on them.
The pay off for developing these disciplines is big because you’ve made someone else feel special, and you feel great about doing something good for someone else.
Order your Success Tips today. This tool will empower you to stay in touch with your prospects and clients persistently and consistently, month in and month out!
To see a sample of the success tips, click here.