Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life

Teleseminar and Self-Study Online Course

To see a sample of the teleseminar, click here.

To see a sample of the self-study online course, click here.

Program Summary

We all can recall times in our lives where our motivation has ebbed and flowed. There were times when we felt a high level of motivation, when nothing could stop us from pursuing a goal or staying committed to a cause that was important to us. But also there were times when our motivation waned, our resolve felt weak and we couldn’t seem to focus on a goal we said we really wanted.

So why is it that we can sometimes take a goal to its end and other times it loses its flame?

The secret is to understand our own internal personal motivators and how they tie to the goals we set. Plus there are certain “truths” about how motivation works and why it subsides. And most important of all is that within these truths there is a process for reestablishing your sense of motivation that you can use anytime to reignite the flame of a goal.

This program will help your participants to discover what motivation is, how their own individual motivation works, why it fades, and how to get it back!

Learning Outcomes

In this program, your participants will:

  • Learn how to build & maintain motivation 24/7
  • What MOTIVATION really means
  • The most common motivation dousers...and how to avoid them
  • How to free yourself from the frustration of unfulfilled dreams
  • The 6-Step Formula for rekindling any fire to change your life
  • The TOP 8 Universal Motivators...discover YOURS and how YOU can use them TODAY
  • How to feel fulfilled & accomplished...and win the confidence of others.

Course Contents

Introduction: What is Motivation?

  • Introduction: "Creating a Fire - A Way to Define Motivation"
    • Activity Objective: Participants choose appealing words and phrases they would use to define motivation.
Segment #1: Lighting the Fire
  • Activity #1: "My Motivational Sparks"
    • Activity Objective: Participants review common key motivators and identify which resonate most with them.  
  • Activity #2: A Successful Fire
    • Activity Objective: Participants apply the elements of motivation to a prior personal goal achieved.
Segment #2: When the Fire Wanes
  • Activity #1: "The Flame Subsides"
    • Activity Objective: Activity Objective: Participants identify a goal they set but are no longer pursuing it, and explore reasons why they lost the motivation to pursue the goal.
Segment #3: Rekindling the Fire
  • Activity #1: "The Steps of Re-kindling
    • Activity Objective: Participants learn and discuss the rekindling process.  
  • Activity #2: "A Personal Re-kindling"
    • Activity Objective: Participants apply the 6 Step Rekindling Process to a prior personal goal.
Application: Final Thoughts
  • Activity: "A New Spark"
    • Activity Objective: Participants reflect on what they have learned about motivation and how they can apply what they've learned in their next personal pursuit.

To see a sample of the teleseminar, click here.

To see a sample of the self-study online course, click here.

Powerpoint Webinar

Turn the teleseminar into a webinar! You can now get the corresponding webinar slides for this topic, and combine with the teleseminar to have a visually stimulating webinar. Each webinar is professionally crafted and designed to increase participants learning and understanding of the materials presented. All you'll need to do is download the file and present the webinar! It's a complete Ready2Go webinar!